📺 screenpipe #002 | native ocr, video embedding

2024-08-142 min read

screenpipe #002

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hey louis & matt here

btw, this is screenpipe newsletter, where we share new things, bug fixes, works in progress, and what's next. we're obsessed about bringing you the best experience possible, if you have any feedback, issues, anything, hit reply or book a call with us:

  • louis, eu timezone (for now)
  • matt, sf timezone

screenpipe demo

✨ what's new

  • video in chat (only available in the desktop app)
  • Apple and Windows native OCR
  • improved OCR quality through image pre-processing and slicing, added new fields to track bounding boxes of each text line, confidence score
  • search by unique text (improved speed, relevance, deduplication)
  • auto updater!! you will get a notification when a new app update is available

🔮 what's next

  • standalone app (no need for terminal)
  • audio output Mac/Windows
  • new fields in the database: text by apps/opened windows, focused window highlight
  • web SDK and a playground for developer experience
  • pipe store -> find out more on Discord
  • Omi Friend wearable integration launch
  • more reliable performance overall

🪲 bug fixes

we fixed an issue where the AI in the playground would not properly use local date we fixed audio and frame crash when computer would awake after long sleep time we fixed duplicates in the search result improved underlying OCR quality

  • the app is still in alpha and we've fixed tons of bugs, however, we're releasing daily updates to fix them, along with new features. we're two person teem, but we have open source contributors joining, and we would be happy to welcome more! ☺️🙏

as always, we are eager to hear what feedback you have on screenpipe. share your ideas by replying to this email or let's have a call

take care, matt, louis

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