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📺 screenpipe #008 | whatsapp scraper & automation

2024-09-254 min read

screenpipe #008

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hey louis & matt here

btw, in this newsletter, we share new features, bug fixes, work in progress, and what's next.

we're offering -20% discount this week, just answer this mail! we also offer free license to anyone who actively posts about screenpipe

🤖 what is screenpipe?

as a reminder, screenpipe is an open source library and an app to record data from your screens & mics and pass it into a llm. an ai powered by what you've seen, said, or heard:

screenpipe demo

✨ highlights

🔒 remove personal data on autopilot

we've been experimenting with security feature: use any AI tools without risking sensitive information

security feature

technically, we use a local LLM that decrypt network messages exchanged on your computer, remove personal identifiable information, re-encrypt, send

💼 screen to CRM

we built a plugin to enrich your CRM while you go through your sales pipeline

💾 performance improvements

screenpipe now only uses 200 MB of memory using deepgram

📱 whatsapp agent

extract all historical messages, read unread messages without clicking, pipe messages to your email, google sheets, or CRM. draft and send replies, summarize group chats

whatsapp agent

page: https://screenpi.pe/messenger_agent

we updated a bit the website, would love any feedback on it!

⭐️ minor features

  • improved search ui & fixed many bugs
  • improved search speed
  • improved again VAD and STT quality even with local model ST
  • param to manage VAD sensitivity
  • param to manage context limit UI

🔨 bug fixes

  • fixed 88,2 Khz audio devices
  • fix pipe for windows download

❤️‍🩹 known issues

  • video does not render in windows UI, $100 for anybody fixing it
  • requires VPN in china to download models etc.

🔮 upcoming

  • multimodal LLM in the chat (e.g. select a part of your history and feed a few frames in addition of the OCR & audio for more detailed context)
  • integration with whatsapp, including transferring all your whatsapp data + automatic scraping of new messages into screenpipe
  • daily summary feature to help you write a report to your manager
  • installation, stability & performance cross-platform, fix known issues
  • search: more relevance, less redundant information
  • new models: brand new local speech to text model - silero
  • new models: add new ocr engine (esp. for linux)
  • security: mp4 encryption at rest
  • storage: reduce storage required by half using h265 encoding
  • ux: automatic audio device switch
  • ux: faster interface, easier to ask/search through shortcuts, etc.
  • extensions: plenty of plugins you can install in a click (or build yourself) to get the most out of your data
  • extensions: use native api (automate your computer, display on the screen, etc.), real-time data streaming, high level abstraction in pipes

🙏 ask

hey, your feedback and support are super valuable to us, hit the reply button and tell us what you'd like to see in screenpipe.

like screenpipe? mention it online, it would help us grow! 🚀

you can tag screen_pipe on x and we will retweet you ❤️

  • the app is still in alpha and we've fixed tons of bugs, however, we're releasing daily updates to fix them, along with new features. we're a two-person team, but we have open source contributors, and we would be happy to welcome more of them! ☺️🙏


take care,

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