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πŸ“Ί screenpipe #10 | autocompletion anywhere on your computer, 6x faster transcriptions

2024-10-093 min read

screenpipe #010

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hey everyone, matt and louis here

btw, in this newsletter we share new features, bug fixes, works in progress, and what's next. say hi to us: louis, sf timezone matt, sf timezone

✨ Highlights

✌️ autocomplete shortcut "//" in beta

the autocomplete feature is so useful. it leverages the history of your computer to provide a relevant response, as shown in the demo. i'm responding to the user's post. the LLM knows that i'm the founder of screenpipe, so it responds accordingly. take a look

autocomplete demo

when i need to write a message/email, i want an LLM to help me create the first draft, but the LLM doesn't have context about the conversation or what i personally know. screenpipe lets you use a shortcut "//".

how does it work?

  1. it extracts all the content from the current window/conversation
  2. searches your screen data history to find relevant context
  3. passes everything together to the LLM to draft a response

another demo: https://youtube.com/shorts/O28f9z0aZVk

available here: https://discord.gg/HswKWBjaxe

πŸ“– screen time storyteller pipe

a new pipe called "Screen Time Storyteller" for Screenpipe. The pipe analyzes user's 24/7 screen recordings and generates personalized, humorous roasts about their digital habits. It aims to provide insights and motivation for improving productivity through AI-powered feedback.

screen time storyteller

⭐️ other things

  • chinese support (OCR, huggingface mirror to download models)
  • better OCR on macos
  • fix: windows video rendering in the UI
  • wayland 99% done
  • new updater system

πŸš€ ongoing

  • embed a llama3.2 in your app (no need to install Ollama)
  • accessibility API to get source of UI data in addition to OCR
  • https://github.com/mediar-ai/screenpipe/pull/443 (new pipe)
  • windows arm support
  • faster inference on cpu using mkl
  • reduced windows installer size of 70 mb
  • support for newly released openai whisper large turbo 6x faster

πŸŒ† b2b use cases

  • fill out jira tickets on autopilot based on your screen data
  • write engineering documentation based on your daily work in IDE
  • record how employees perform certain tasks for internal coaching best practices

πŸ™ ask

hey, your feedback and support are super valuable to us, hit the reply button and tell us what you'd like to see in screenpipe.

like screenpipe? mention it online, it would help us grow! πŸš€

you can tag screen_pipe on x and we will retweet you ❀️

  • the app is still in alpha and we've fixed tons of bugs, however, we're releasing daily updates to fix them, along with new features. we're a two-person team, but we have open source contributors, and we would be happy to welcome more of them! β˜ΊοΈπŸ™


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