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📺 screenpipe #22 | linkedin automation, financial agent, new features

2025-01-012 min read

screenpipe #022

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hey louis & matt here

💰 financial automation with Different AI

we're partnering with Different AI to bring you an amazing financial automation app powered by AI

it's AI agents that watch your screen to handle finances—from treasury management to invoice creation—even without official APIs

financial automation demo

it's in private beta - hit reply for access

🚀 things we shipped at screenpipe

  • feat: profile system to have different settings in screenpipe + shortcut to switch
  • feat: google photo-like memories pipe
  • refactor: integration with Claude app - improvements on the integration
  • feat: gemini support in screenpipe cloud
  • feat: global shortcut to stop and start recording
  • fix: fix issues with our vercel-like cron system in pipes
  • chore: update create-pipe CLI
  • feat: use ollama API to list models available on your computer in the UI


take care,

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