📺 screenpipe #24 | launching dev program, improved obsidian, linkedin pipes
screenpipe #024
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hey louis & matt here
💰 developer program launch
we're excited to announce our developer program, following a recent surge in interest and the successful launch of the pipe (app) store within the screenpipe platform.
our goal is to enhance and expand the number of high-quality apps available within screenpipe.
click to expand program details
- bounty: $1,000 per approved pull request
- timeline: aim for few days to a month max, faster is better
- how to participate:
- write a github issue comment
- join discord 'developer program' channel
- include detailed build plan
- ownership: this is your project, explore and propose ideas
- process: submit via github issues, we'll review and assign
- reward criteria: ship stable, intuitive, working app
- bonus: opportunity for long-term assignments with additional $1k rewards
potential improvements
click to expand app ideas
- meeting assistant
- inspiration: granola ux
- audio llm assistance
- obsidian integration
- custom information capture (crm, engineering, workflows)
- loom generator
- desktop history video creation
- ai narration (voice + captions)
- search
- improved keyword search
- semantic capabilities
- timeline/rewind
- inspired by rewind.ai
- activity summary
- time tracking
- productivity analysis
- twitter bot
- intelligent commenting
- network growth
- engineer bot
- task/issue commenting
- inspired by coderabbit.ai, sweep.ai, devin
- your own app
- build what you'd use personally
🔮 obsidian pipe
- new: include notes as ai context
- demo: watch here
- coming: relationship graphing feature
⏪ timeline -> rewind
timeline extended to 7 days
🚀 we've upgraded the linkedin agent
it works in the background and uses your normal browser session so that it doesn't interfere with platform automation restrictions. simply get more connections
it's available in the pipe store or here: https://screenpi.pe/linkedin
🥳 things we shipped at screenpipe
- we wrote our first blog post on how to build a pipe please share!
- we've added a feature that allow you to import external data, and would allow you to sync your phone recording or rewind data into screenpipe
- semantic search for external data
- api to resize pipe window
- in progress: pipe update system
- in progress: stripe integration for recurring payments
take care, screenpipe
follow us: x youtube discord
wanna chat?
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